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Population vs RP Population


A small while ago the region decided that we would use role play populations. This is to stop the older nations having an upper hand and the ability to abuse or take advantage of newer players. For example, my population is ~4.6 billion... A ridiculous number with ridiculous effects. But my role play population is ~80 million. This way the region can keep things more realistic or more manageable.


How do you decide or find out your RP population? You make it up! Although, this number has to be a sensible one. I believe a good boundary is that of China's population. And I believe only one or two nations should be allowed a population that high.


How do you keep track of that population? We use something called the NationStates Tracker. We'll touch on that more.

The NationStates Tracker


How do you find the Tracker? Go onto the Austritarian website and you can find a link on the homepage.


The tracker is currently under construction but I'm sure it'll be back soon!


What is it? It's a website that keeps track of details that NationStates does not. It covers areas of economy, trade, military and other national statistics.


How do you use it? You very quickly create an account and can easily change your settings and details.


On that website you can set a population at a number below your current population and it will go up at a sensible rate from there. The only problem is you can't set the population higher than your current one. This is an issue for new nations. However, if you stay on NationStates your population will reach a high enough number in no time. Until then, simply state your population in a factbook. (Although this may change after the reconstruction of the site, we don't know.)

Regional Trade

Trade is something the region does but is still in its early stages.


How do I find out what my nation exports? You make it up yourself. You choose what natural resources you have and what you make from those materials. However, try to be sensible with this. No nation can make cars, nukes, steel, coal, fruit, veg, weapons, oil, gas, electricity, plastic etc... While all nations may export small quantities of everything, you should only be able to mass produce a select number of these things.


How do I find out what my nation needs? Once again, you make it up. What do you think your nation needs? If you live in the desert do you need water and vegetables? If you live in the arctic do you need wood and metals?

How do I find out what other nations export and want to import? Well, a lot of nations will have it in their factbook. However, I am currently in the process of creating a Trade Partners page in the Austritarian website which easily lists these details.


Trade can bring more to the region than first anticipated. Trade routes can be raided, blockaded or attacked by pirates, terrorists, or nations in time of war. They provide an easy additional dimension to the region and therefore shouldn't be ignored.



Size of the army

The size of someone's army is determined on the tracker. It is calculated using your RP population and the figures you supply it with. The region does not allow to use any other figures as this is the fairest, most realistic figure we can use. If you're a newer nation and are unable to set an RP population, simply use your current population and scale it up to your desired population. If your RP population is very high, a billion for example, try to be as fair and realistic as possible. I believe the max setting is 10% of your population to be in the armed forces, which for nations of a billion is still 100million troops. This is still an unfair number. It's up to you at the end of the day.
After fighting a battle the number of troops you lost should be deducted from the total.


Composition of the army

At the most basic level this is already done on the Tracker; Army, Airforce and Navy. At the more complicated level you can decide what your troops carry, what equipment they have, the vehicles, tanks and planes used etc. Good examples of the latter are either myself or Groznyj Leich, simply look at the factbooks.


Moving around the region

In war troops, planes, vehicles, and boats are moved around the region or nation, transporting from place A to place B. This cannot happen in one post. You cannot move from one side of the region to the next in one turn. Depending what it is, it could take hours or days to do so . If you want to transport an army from one place to another, announce it among one post then describe that it has arrived 1-3 posts later, depending how fast they're travelling.


Additional stuff


Technology. The technology you can use has to limit at modern day prototypes. Additionally, not all of your stuff can be the latest stuff. Russia still uses tanks from 1967. 

Illegal stuff. Weapons that are considered illegal in the real world are allowed in Austritaria. However, they are very frowned upon as they are unfair (therefore somewhat ruining RP in some cases) and you may be acted upon later, in-character, though. Similar to the current situation in Syria.


NUKES ARE NEVER ALLOWED. They ruin RP and are a cowards way out.




How battles are done

Really this is up to those involved. If it was Groznyj and I, we'd more than likely use NATO military symbols and possibly use mock up battle plans and such. If Menatolo was having a war, he'd probably use narrative.

The important thing is, battles are effectively done in turns. Those involved should decide whether this is turn based or simultaneous moves (one after the other, or both at the same time). The second important thing is, the one who is attacking never decides the damage inflicted. You will describe the attack you do, whether it be on the micro scale or macro scale (tank v tank or attacking an entire city), and the person you attacked will then decide the damage you dealt, fairly.


How battles are decided

You can either do this before the battle, by discussing with each other before hand, or during the battle. The latter can be discussed or could just clearly unfold midway through the event. You can roll dice, you can create a calculator, you can use a sim, anything. As long as this anything is not involved in the post itself. The loser or the individual/side that is evidently going to lose should do so with dignity. You cannot fight to the death with one remaining soldier killing the remaining 1,000 enemy troops. Unless he's Rambo...


After a war


The winner will create terms of victory to the loser and it's the losers choice what to do next. They can accept the terms and be a vassel or puppet of the victor, or give x money or x land to the winner. Or they can reject the offer. This would likely lead to rebellions or the victor annihilating the resistance.


God moding


Many people god mode without realising. God moding is doing/having something that is overpowered/unrealistic/too unfair etc. I'll list some examples. Moving armies across the region in one post. Having post-modern technology. Winning battles against outrageous odds. Deciding the damage you inflicted on the enemy, when that's the enemy's job. Having all your equipment being top of the range in all areas. Having indestructible vehicles or planes. Using nukes. Breaking the rules. Basically anything that is cheating.


I think I've covered most of the areas but if you want anymore information or help in any areas, including how to decide what your military is composed of, telegram either The Aristocratic Oligarchy of Geniocratics or The Soviet Federation of Groznyj Leich

Some details and repeating questions on role playing in Austritaria

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